Some of the Feedback we received for our TickCard:
Dr James Douglas of our UK National Health Service (NHS) posted a health information video about tick insects and Lyme Disease plus how to remove ticks safely and effectively with the right tool… You may recognize the brand 😉
See 4 min 50 for tick removal devices; 5 min 33 for demonstration of removal.
‘Works a treat! Very easy to use and very precise. Brilliant next day delivery, good quality item. Thank you!  I’ve used others in past but they quite often leave bits…’
Keith Douglas, Burghead, Scotland
‘I bought a card to take with me on honeymoon and whilst I was never attacked my wife was twice. Each time we caught the tick before it had fed much and so I used the small slot. After removal I checked the tick under 15x magnification and found that each case it had been removed intact. This card now lives in my wallet and I would not venture into sheep country without it.’
Alan Hedges
‘Martin, Used your product last night on our pet moggie, very effective. No doubt my wife will come home from school with orders after she’s told her collegues about how effective Tickcard was.
Realised I missed a trick last night – when my wife had tick dangling and wriggling from the Tickcard I should have photographed product in action. Could have then pointed out to potential customers that its not just rural environments where ticks are prevalent.’
Brian Jones, Perth
‘We just used the Tick Card in anger for the first time ever!
Our doughter Maud had a small tick on the back of her arm and was panicking big style after having scratched and scratched it. The card lifted it out nicely indeed. Thank you so much.
We used all the special features of the Tick Card including the id chart and magnifier. The tick was extracted alive and then disappeared into Maud’s hair when she bent close to examine it, so we may get chance to land it again!’
Michael Start, Moray, UK